Marching On On On

Am still not yet there so we march on on on!

I want to build projects on devChallenges specifically on front-end section because I want to practice my skills in React. I have been learning and building small projects, some from scratch, others from an existing codebase. I am not yet comfortable with React hence I need to put what I have learned so far into practice.

Meet my latest project


Screenshot 2022-09-04 162413.png

I built it using Node.js(JavaScript), and I learned:

  • What Node.js is commonly used for
  • How to create and use modules in Node.js,
  • How to set up a basic web server with Node.js using the HTTP module.
  • How to read, create, update, and delete files from Node.js. -How to use the URL module to parse a URL address and split it into readable parts.
  • How to use NPM.
  • Create, fire, and listen for your own events.

Technology has become an integral part of a modern, technologically advanced information society. The only way technology would be most revolutionary for solving social problems is if it is made available to people of all social classes in society. However, decentralized technology would be most revolutionary for solving privacy as a social problem.

Hoorah! Just keep building on the fundamentals of whatever language you are learning. Keep marching on on on 🥳🥳